Having a graduate degree from the University of Alabama means that when I see a houndstooth pattern I think of the 'Bama football team (2010 National Champions!). It's not that I'm a big football fan. I can count on two fingers the number of football games I've seen from start to finish, but the houndstooth pattern was the signature of Coach Bear Bryant's hat. So, I often disregard coats and scarves featuring this classic pattern.

Then suddenly I began seeing houndstooth all over the place in the fashion world. This checked pattern has notched corners that suggests a dog's tooth. It is traditionally black and white. The French call it pied de pole (chicken's foot).
On the runway designers such as Alexander McQueen and Michael Kors featured houndstooth patterns. Some designers have moved away from the traditional black and white giving us red and black or blue and black patterns. Like stripes or animal print a little can go a long way. Accessories allow you to incorporate this fashion statement without investing in a dress or blouse that you may find too much. This Keffiyah (Head Scarf)
is an exotic way to wear this pattern. Go for Michael Kors' houndstooth gloves for a visual punch.

Then suddenly I began seeing houndstooth all over the place in the fashion world. This checked pattern has notched corners that suggests a dog's tooth. It is traditionally black and white. The French call it pied de pole (chicken's foot).
On the runway designers such as Alexander McQueen and Michael Kors featured houndstooth patterns. Some designers have moved away from the traditional black and white giving us red and black or blue and black patterns. Like stripes or animal print a little can go a long way. Accessories allow you to incorporate this fashion statement without investing in a dress or blouse that you may find too much. This Keffiyah (Head Scarf)